Friday, October 17, 2014


Note: The above plaque is one of two plaques that are now far, far away attached to two separate spacecraft called Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. They were launched back in 1972 and 1973 respectfully and have long left our solar system for deep space.

Nudists on the Pioneer Plaque?

Why did the people have to be naked on the Pioneer Plaque? When the space aliens do finally arrive on planet Earth, they won't recognize the inhabitants unless they land their flying saucer on a nudist camp. Or maybe it doesn't matter as they will destroy our planet anyway to make way for a space highway. In any case, I'm sure Carl Sagan knew what he was doing.

Interesting Side Note: The guy and girl on Carl Sagan's space plaque were originally holding hands, but Carl thought about that for a moment and then reasoned that the space aliens might get confused and think that the male and female were actually one single creature. The artwork was quickly revised to avoid any unnecessary alien misunderstandings.

2014 Quirky Pylon - Crazy shit you don't find anywhere else.

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