Sunday, October 12, 2014


Old School Google from 1998

Old School vs New School

How many people can say that they have a website?

Not many. 

Most people have a page on somebody else's website. How many people even know the meaning of HTML much less know how to create a web-page using HTML? Not many. How many people have an old school HTML only website? Even less than the previous "not many" numbers. Well, I am happy to report that I have now have my very own Old School Simple HTML website. It's a really cool and liberating experience. Just like riding an old school motorcycle or driving an old classic car.

Pretty Lady on a Classic Car

It makes you feel young and alive again.

Screen Shot of an HTML editor

2014 Quirky Pylon Bloggy Magazine - Old School Quirky Pylon - Quirky Blog - Quirky Pylon Blog - Quirky Pylon Mobile

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